Doctor of Healthcare Administration Curriculum

The D.H.A. degree program is a hybrid of virtual synchronous sessions and distanced education learning designed for busy working professionals. The LECOM Doctor of Healthcare Administration degree is a three-year, 72 credit hour program. Students meet periodically via scheduled video conferences. Students move through the program together as a cohort, taking the same classes, which can vary from cohort to cohort as the program evolves to continue to meet current healthcare industry requirements.

The first two years of the program are predominantly course and research skills development designed to help focus candidates on their dissertation requirements and final course work. New computer applications and systems solutions are learned and applied to assist with advanced complex problem-solving skills. Individual courses are delivered with diverse teaching methodologies driven by competency achievement and experimental application. The robust on-line learning platform is available to DHA students 24/7 and delivers high quality presentations, forum discussions, teamwork activities with a direct linkage to each faculty member.

Student coursework, assignments, and examinations, both asynchronous and distance education are submitted electronically within each course on the LECOM Learning Management System, access to which is limited by a unique username and password.


There is one cohort for enrollment starting in July each year. Cohorts have been designed for professionals who seek a DHA degree while continuing full-time careers.

Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
DH 6010Next Generation Doctoral Studies3
DH 6020HC Research Methods – New Tools3
DH 6030HC Quantitative Analysis3
DH 6040HC Artificial Intelligence3
DH 6050HC Leadership & Communications3
DH 6060Mind, Body, Spirit-Whole Person Care3
DH 6070HC Qualitative Analysis3
DH 6080Effective Writing & Publication3
DH 7010Outcome Focused Strategies3
DH 7020HC Case Study Design & Delivery3
DH 7030HC Ethics & Sustainability3
DH 7040Virtual Medicine3
DH 7050Effective Negotiations & Partnering3
DH 7060Leveraging Healthcare Machine Learning3
DH 7070Communities as Living Laboratories3
DH 7080Healthcare Economics & Finance3
DH 8010Dissertation I-Qualifying Exam3
DH 8020U.S. eHealthcare System3
DH 8030Dissertation II-Draft I3
DH 8040Climate & Culture of Wellness3
DH 8050Dissertation III- Draft II3
DH 8060HC Organizational Compliance3
DH 8070Effective College Educators3
DH 8080Dissertation IV- Final Paper & Defense3
Total # Credits Required72
Curriculum Summary
Total number of courses required for the degree plus thesis defense24
Total credit hours required for degree72