Disability Services
Disability Services
Discrimination Prohibited
LECOM prohibits and does not engage in discrimination on the basis of disability. LECOM is committed to ensuring that qualified students with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in LECOM’s educational programs and activities.
It is LECOM’s intention to provide appropriate, reasonable accommodations for students who voluntarily disclose and provide professional documentation of a disability in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. LECOM will take all reasonable steps to accommodate qualified students and applicants with disabilities as defined by applicable law.
Requesting Special Accommodations Due to a Disability
Students requesting special accommodations for examinations, laboratory procedures, or other activities must submit a Request for Special Accommodation Due to a Disability Form and required supporting documentation to the Office of Student Affairs at their campus (addresses are listed below). The completed request form, physician/clinician verification form, and required documentation should be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of a semester to permit sufficient time for the review process to be completed prior to the start of the semester. Requests submitted at other times may take up to thirty (30) days to be processed upon the receipt of required completed forms and documentation.
Documentation of an assessment by a licensed professional with relevant professional credentials, expertise, and sufficient knowledge in the area of the asserted disability must provide evidence to substantiate the diagnosis and a current assessment of the student’s disability. The professional making the assessment may not be a family member of the person requesting an accommodation due to a disability. The Physician’s/Clinician’s Disability Accommodation Verification Form must be completed by the professional and submitted along with a completed Request for Special Accommodation Due to a Disability Form. Documentation that shows that the same, or similar, accommodation was granted at a previously attended undergraduate or graduate institution may be submitted along with the completed Request for Special Accommodation Due to a Disability Form. See the Guidelines for Request for Special Accommodation Due to Disability for more information about required documentation. The Guidelines for Request for Special Accommodation Due to a Disability should be provided to the professional completing the verification form. Copies of all forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.
All requests for special accommodations are reviewed by members of the Accommodation Team. The relevant law regarding confidentiality is followed in the review of each request. The student is responsible for any costs related to any additional evaluation or testing required in support of the request for special accommodations due to a disability. The student will receive written notification of LECOM’s decision regarding the request for special accommodations. If a request for special accommodations is granted by LECOM, a letter of agreement stating the nature and extent of the accommodation will be prepared for signature by the student and appropriate LECOM representative for inclusion in the student’s permanent record.
LECOM Accommodations for Testing and Licensing Examinations
It must be noted that LECOM is only able to provide special accommodations for examinations that are under the institution’s control. In particular, the licensure examinations for osteopathic physicians, pharmacists, and dentists, parts of which are required in some programs for advancement within and graduation from LECOM, are administered by the national licensure boards listed below. Any requests for special accommodations on licensure examinations must be made directly to the appropriate board. LECOM’s approval of a request for special accommodations does not guarantee a similar response from the licensure board.
The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) is administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).
The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) is administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NAPB).
The National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE) are administered by the ADA’s Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE).
Contacts for Disability Services by LECOM Campus
Kevin A. Thomas, D.O., M.S.
Assistant Dean, Institutional Enrollment Manager and Clinical Education
1858 W. Grandview Boulevard
Erie, Pennsylvania 16509-1025
(814) 866-8117
LECOM Bradenton
Debra Horne, M.S.
Director of Student Affairs
5000 Lakewood Ranch Boulevard
Bradenton, Florida 34211-4909
(941) 782-5933
LECOM at Seton Hill
Judy Cross
Student Affairs Specialist
20 Seton Hill Drive
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
(724) 552-2869
LECOM at Elmira
Angela Wood
Student Support Specialist
1 LECOM Place
Elmira, New York 14901
(607) 442-3560