
The MS MCT curriculum consists of 45 credits. There are 11 core courses, 16-week experiential discovery course completed through executive interviews and analysis (6 credits) and a 16-week Master’s Thesis or Capstone Project course (6 credits). A final comprehensive examination must be passed with a 70% or greater covering the 11 core course sections.

Course Numbering & Flow

As a master’s level program, all courses are designated as upper-division-level courses. MS MCT Master Schedule June 2024:

Course TitleCredit Hours
MCT 5000Introduction to History of Cannabis3
MCT 5010Cannabinoid Pharmacology & Classification3
MCT 5020Cannabinoid Economics & Vertical Integration3
MCT 5030Therapeutic Affects & Dispensary Patient Education3
MCT 5040Cannabinoid Dosing Strategies3
MCT 5050Evidence Based Therapeutics & Health System Integration3
MCT 5060Cannabinoid Public Health, Transparency & Safety Issues3
MCT 5070HC Qualitative Analysis3
MCT 5080Cannabinoid Therapeutic Design & Efficacy3
MCT 5090Cannabinoid Government Regulations & Policies3
MCT 6000Research Design & Methods3
MCT 6010Thesis Project OR MCT 6020 Capstone Project6
MCT 6030Executive Interviews & Analysis Symposium6
MCT 6040Comprehensive Final Exam0
Total # Credits Required45
Curriculum Summary
Total number of courses required for the degree13
Total credit hours required for degree45

Course descriptions can be found in the LECOM School of Health Services Administration Academic Catalog.