Research Strategic Plan
LECOM Research Strategic Plan – Goals and Objectives
The table below outlines the goals and objectives that we will use to support faculty and student research efforts, and to ensure that the faculty have the time and resources to pursue research endeavors.
Goal 1: Institutional support that encourages and sustains research efforts to plan, fund, conduct and report research. |
Objective |
Measure |
Office of Research Office of Research and Grants Coordinator to partner with faculty and staff to provide the highest quality research administration at all stages of research projects, from identifying funding sources though project planning, conducting, and reporting. |
1. Grants and compliance coordinator will facilitate 20 grant application projects annually. A minimum of 2 grant submissions will be for DEI-related research/scholarly activities. 2. Grants and compliance manager will collaborate with faculty and staff across the institution to identify appropriate funding sources and help design projects. 3. Grants and compliance manager will help faculty and staff write and submit grant applications 4. Creation and implementation of a grants and compliance guide. 5. Development and include Research as a LECOM Service Unit with additional annual reporting. |
Intramural Funding/Seed Grants Provide internal funding, on a competitive basis, for promising research initiatives that support the mission and directives of the institution which include: osteopathic manipulative medicine, neuromusculoskeletal medicine, health professions education, and cultural competency and health disparities research. |
1. Provide support to faculty to complete and submit intramural grant applications, monitor seed grant funding. 2. Add a funding priority to the seed grant application based on the ADDRESSING framework for DEI. 3. Expand the seed grant process to the School of Pharmacy and all new LECOM professional programs. 4. All funded seed grants must lead to the submission of an external grant. |
Goal 2: To assure that research is an integral element of LECOM’s mission and vision, budgetary process, and faculty recognition initiatives. |
Objective |
Measure |
Research Facilities Develop dedicated state of the art research space for faculty to conduct research as it relates to the mission and directives of the institution.
1. Gather input from faculty based on research needs. 2. Design and construct new research facilities in LECOM buildings, i.e., Elmira NY. 3. Develop a utilization plan for the new research facilities. |
Publications Faculty must publish annually in ways that contribute to scientific knowledge. |
1. Faculty will set annual research goals with their respective Assistant/Associate Dean. 2. Faculty will be evaluated on publications (posters, papers, presentations, etc.). 3. Faculty will submit publications to the Institutional Director of Research to facilitate recording LECOM’s impact factor for faculty publications. 4. Updates annual Research Report structure to include section for DEI research activities. |
Goal 3: Assure that research at LECOM is, as much as possible, interdisciplinary, and collaborative within programs, campus, and across campuses. |
Objective |
Measure |
Interprofessional Encourage multi-professional research, including medicine, pharmacy, and dental medicine at each campus and across campuses. |
1. Establish interprofessional research that highlights collaboration among professionals across different disciplines in research and other scholarly activities. 2. Develop and implement a communication plan to increase collaborations. 3. Each school will document intramural and extramural interprofessional research efforts. |
Engage Learners Develop independent and participatory research efforts involving students, residents, and graduate students. |
1. Faculty who proposes student participation in intramural grant projects will be given higher priority for funding. 2. Integrate the Scholars 7 and 4 series for greater student participation in clinical research. 3. Each school will document the number of students, residents, or graduate students participating in intramural and extramural research. |
Community Collaboration Promote collaborative research with community-based organizations. |
1. LECOM will encourage collaboration with community-based organizations for purposes of improving the likelihood of receiving grant funding. 2. Each school will document the number of community-based organizations partnered with for purposes of collaborative research. |