Animal Care and Use Committee Protocol
Animal Care and Use Committee Protocol
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a self-regulating entity that, according to U.S. federal law, must be established by institutions that use laboratory animals for research or instructional purposes to oversee and evaluate all aspects of an institution’s animal care and use program. LECOM faculty and staff who conduct research involving the use of laboratory animals must submit an IACUC Application to obtain permission to conduct research using laboratory animals. In addition, all faculty, staff, and students involved in animal research must complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative IACUC training at Citi Program. Approval of IACUC protocols will not be granted until all personnel involved in the research have completed and submitted their IACUC training reports to the IACUC chair, Dr. Keller (ckeller@lecom.edu). IACUC training must be completed every three years.
Download the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Application (MS Word Document)
IACUC Form Instructions
- DO NOT type anything in the space for IACUC APPLICATION #. This is assigned by the IACUC chair.
- Fill out the requested information (name, department, project title, phone numbers and requested start date) on the first page.
- Write a Lay Summary that will be understandable to the general public. Indicate the value of the research to human health or society, and include a brief description of procedures to be used on animals. Respect the space limitations of the page.
- Provide information on the animals to be used as requested. Only mice and rats can be housed in the LECOM Animal Care Facility at this time. Invertebrates are not included in the responsibilities of IACUC, and other mammals cannot be used at present in our facility. Provide information to justify your use of the animal species you are proposing to study. Include reference search information to demonstrate that the work is not simple duplication of prior work.
- Describe the justification for the number of animals to be used. Include number of groups to be studied, number of animals per group, and statistical analysis, if any, that will be performed as it may justify the numbers requested.
- Provide information as it obtains to wild animals if applicable. These animals cannot be housed in the current facility.
- Provide information on where the animals will be housed. Do not assume you can add them to the Animal Care Facility without first checking on the current usage of the facility. Provide information on whether animals will be removed from the facility for any significant period of time and then returned to the facility, and how they will be cared for when not in the facility.
- Explain any specific housing requirements, light cycles, type of feed or any other special requirements, or simply check the field that indicates that standard care is adequate. (To check the box, right-click on the box, select Properties, then Checked.)
- Indicate whether procedures to be used will cause pain or distress, and the degree and duration using the selections on the form.
- Carefully read the responsibilities of the principal investigator that you are agreeing to abide by for the duration of the research. If you do not abide by these requirements, your protocol may be terminated without appeal.
- Describe all chemical or biological agents that will be administered to the animals. This includes alterations of diet and restriction of access to food and water. Routes of administration and doses must be provided, including for agents used for euthanasia.
- Describe all procedures to be performed on living animals in detail. Include names of all persons who will perform these procedures. Make sure all persons named have adequate training before they perform any procedures.
- Sign and date the Investigator’s Assurance. Read it carefully as you will be bound by its terms.
- Submit your completed application to the IACUC chair (Dr. Keller, ckeller@lecom.edu) for consideration. You are not allowed to purchase animals or begin experiments until you have a signed approval from the IACUC. Remember that approvals have time limits, and if the research will extend beyond the Approval Period, you must file the forms to gain approval for the next period. You may adapt the forms filed for the initial approval to fit your current requirements, but do not simply change the date and resubmit exactly the same form, or the committee may think you have done no work in the prior period and withhold approval on that basis.
- Contact the IACUC Committee Chair, Dr. Keller (ckeller@lecom.edu), if you have any questions or concerns in filling out these forms.