Institutional Review Board
Submitting a Research Protocol for IRB Review
The LECOM Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged with reviewing and overseeing proposals to conduct human subjects research by personnel within LECOM and the broader LECOM Health communities. For an overview of the IRB process and information on which projects require IRB review, please to click here view the IRB Training Presentation.
For those submitting protocols to the IRB, the following documents should prove helpful:
- Instructions for Submission of a Research Protocol
- IRB Protocol Review Form
- Application for Exemption
- Instructions for Embedding HIPAA Authorization in Research Consent Form
- HIPAA Waiver Request
- Human Subjects Regulations Decision Charts
- Federal Regulations (Revised Common Rule)
- Sample Research Protocol
The links above require a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat.
The LECOM Institutional Review Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Protocols that are determined to be exempt from the requirement for IRB review and approval and those that qualify for expedited review can be processed between convened meetings.
For any questions or concerns, or to submit your protocol, please contact the following:
Irv Freeman, Ph.D., J.D.
Chair, LECOM Institutional Review Board
(724) 552-2889