Email Policy
Email Policy
- Electronic Mail System Integrity:
- LECOM will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail systems however, users are advised that these systems should not be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information.
- Privacy and Confidentiality Disclaimer:
- Due to the nature and technology of electronic communication, LECOM cannot guarantee the privacy of an individual’s use of electronic mail resources or the confidentiality of transmitted, received, or stored messages.
- Users should be aware that Network Administrators routinely monitor and create backup copies of computer resources, including the network, communication systems, email messages, and internet site logs, without notice. This is done to ensure the smooth functioning of computer resources, and administrators may have the ability to view users files, messages or other communications.
- E-mail Access Requirement:
- Only computers protected by up-to-date anti-virus software will be granted email access.
Unacceptable Uses of Email:
- Using an E-mail account owned by someone else.
- Sending harassing, obscene and/or other threatening messages to another user.
- Sending unsolicited junk mail.
- Sending material that infringes upon the copyright of another person.
- Sending chain letters.
- Sending commercial or advertising material to users or other organizations.
- Distributing Email to everyone in the college without proper authorization.
- Distributing hate mail, discriminatory remarks or pornographic material.
- Using Email to share confidential information about students or employees.
- Soliciting on behalf of another organization.
- Automatic forwarding.
- Revealing confidential information to anyone who has neither a need nor a right to have the information.
- Sending or forwarding pornography, spam or other Email nuisances.
Response to Inappropriate Material:
- If you receive pornographic or other inappropriate material, advise the sender to cease, if possible. Forward the email to Student Affairs or IT and promptly delete it.
Security Measures:
- Please be aware that our email filters may not catch all inappropriate content. To disable the automatic download of images in your email, contact our help support desk (4357). Keep your antivirus, spyware, and adware up to date. If uncertain about the status, contact the help support desk (4357).