Computer Technology
Computer Technology
Class of 2024-2025
Recommended Laptop Computer Specifics
All incoming LECOM students are required to have a laptop computer. Windows- based computers are recommended. All incoming students must obtain a computer prior to the first day of orientation. Chromebook’s, some Surface Pros and tablet devices are not an acceptable substitute for a laptop computer. Students are responsible for all costs associates with ownership of the computer.
System Recommendations:
- Intel Core i5/i7/i9 generation 8-13 series processor or comparable AMD processor (NOT Microsoft SQ processors).
- 8 GB of RAM or higher.
- 256 GB Hard Drive or larger.
- Wireless access and a web camera.
- To get the fastest wireless internet, it’s best to use an 802.11AX Wi-Fi 6E Tri-Radio adapter. You can find a list of Apple devices that work with Wi-Fi 6e here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT213433 . If you have a Windows device, there are many compatible options available.
- Minimum 13” screen size (minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 768 or 1920×1080 for a Surface Pro).
- Wired headset/earbuds for exams with sound.
- Incoming medical students are required to bring a privacy screen for their computer.
- Incoming pharmacy students are required to bring a privacy screen for their computer.
- Incoming Seton Hill students are required to bring a computer with a long battery life (3-4 hours).
- Microsoft Windows 10 22H2 or higher operating system is required for Windows computers.
- MAC OS 11 Big Sur or higher operating system is required for MAC computers.
- Anti-virus software is required on ALL computers that connect to the LECOM Network including MACs. Windows Defender and XProtect for Apples are acceptable on computers.
- Microsoft Office 365 is now available free to active LECOM students. Office 365 can be downloaded after you log in to your email for the first time. Email accounts are distributed during orientation.
- Virtual environments such as Parallels on a MAC are not supported.
- An external hard drive or access to cloud storage is highly recommended for backing up data. 1TB of cloud storage is included using Box.com for active LECOM students.
- Foam ear plugs if desired, other types are not permitted unless there is sound with the exam.
- A printer: printing is also available in the Learning Resource Center for a fee.
- Access to a local Internet Service Provider at your residence.
We recommend that you consider purchasing an extended warranty and/or accident protection on your laptop computer. The standard manufacturer’s warranty is only one year.
Chromebooks are not an acceptable computer. Tablet devices (Androids, iPads, or devices with Windows 10 S or Microsoft SQ processors – found on Surface Pro X) are accepted as a secondary device, but not as a substitute for your required laptop computer.
While you are a student at LECOM, software installing and troubleshooting, virus removal, computer formatting, data backup, and other non-hardware problems are all services available from the IT support staff. Hardware problems are not supported. Students will be referred to a local computer repair shop.
This information is based on the current minimum requirements as of September 2023. LECOM is not responsible for changes made by ExamSoft in their minimum requirements that may change prior to orientation.