Distance Education Complaint Process
Distance Education Complaint Process
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement
LECOM has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. As a SARA-approved institution, LECOM is authorized to offer online courses in each state that is part of the agreement without having to get approval from each state individually.
LECOM out-of-state distance learning students residing in a SARA state may file a complaint with the Pennsylvania SARA portal agency, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, or with a state agency in the state in which they reside.
All-State Contacts for Student Complaints:
WCET/SAN provides individual state contact information available at the following link: WCET/SAN Student Complaint Information by State and Agency.
National SARA Information:
SARA Fast Facts
SARA Student Complaints
Pennsylvania SARA Information:
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement
SARA Student Complaints
Student Complaint Form