Doctoral Program in Pharmacy Education Curriculum


Abbr. Number Course Title Credit Hours
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Fall Year 1
MAS 1531 Biostatistics 2.5
DAE 1003 Journal Club I 1.0
PCC 1008 Pharmaceutics I 2.0
BMS 1004 Intro to BMS & PDA I 3.0
BMS 1005 Intro to BMS & PDA II 2.0
DPE 1001 Pharmacy Teaching Experience I 2.0
Total Semester Hours 12.5
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Spring Year 1
MAS 1530 Educational Research Methods 2.5
DAE 1012 Journal Club II 1.0
PCC 1009 Pharmaceutics II 2.0
SYS 1010 Respiratory 2.0
SYS 1016 Nephrology 3.25
SYS 1017 Cardiology 5.0
Total Semester Hours 15.75
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Summer Year 1
MAS 1502 Clinical Teaching Skills 3.5
MAS 1515 Educational Assessment 2.5
MAS 1519 Curriculum I – Needs and Rationale 2.0
DPE 1010 Education Research in Pharmacy 1.0
DPE 1003 Innovative Teaching Strategies 2.0
Total Semester Hours 11.0
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Fall Year 2
MAS 1520 Curriculum II – Goals & Objectives 2.0
DAE 2004 Journal Club III 1.0
DPE 1020 Educational Teaching Strategies 1.0
DPE 2002 Research I 1.0
DPE 1002 Pharmacy Teaching Experience II 2.0
PCC 1010 Pharmaceutics III 2.0
SYS 1007 Endocrine 2.0
INF 1001 Infectious Disease 5.0
Total Semester Hours 16.0
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Spring Year 2
MAS 1535 Educational Psychology for Medical Education 3.5
MAS 1516 Effective Lecturing Skills 2.5
DAE 2013 Journal Club IV 1.0
DPE 2003 Research II 2.0
PCK 1003 Principles of Biopharmaceuticals and Kinetics I 1.0
SYS 1018 Gastrointestinal System 3.75
NUT 1001 Nutrition 1.75
Total Semester Hours 15.5
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Summer Year 2
MAS 15211 Curriculum III – Strategies and Implementation 2.0
DPE 1003 Pharmacy Teaching Experience III 2.0
DPE 2003 Research III 2.0
DPE 1020 Educational Teaching Strategies 2.0
DPE 2010 Advanced Topics in Pharmacy I 2.0
Total Semester Hours 10.0
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Fall Year 3
MAS 1522 Curriculum IV – Evaluation 2.0
MAS 1503 Administrative Skills 3.5
DAE 3013 Journal Club V 1.0
PCK 1004 Principles of Biopharm. & Kinetics II 1.0
INF 1002 Infectious Disease II 3.0
DPE 2004 Research IV 2.0
DPE 1004 Pharmacy Teaching Experience IV 2.0
Total Semester Hours 14.5
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Spring Year 3
MAS 1504 Educational Leadership 3.5
DAE 3023 Journal Club VI 1.0
DPE 2005 Research Proposal 2.0
SYS 1020 Hematology/Oncology 3.5
SYS 1019 Neurology 4.5
PSY 1001 Psychiatry 3.0
ITP 1001 Integrated Topics/ Special Populations 2.0
Total Semester Hours 19.5
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Summer Year 3
DPE 2020 Advanced Topics in Pharmacy II 2.0
DPE 1005 Pharmacy Teaching Experience V 2.0
DPE 3001 Qualifying Examination 3.0
DPE 4001 Dissertation I 9.0
Total Semester Hours 16.0
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Fall Year 4
DAE 4013 Journal Club VII 1.0
DPE 4002 Dissertation II 9.0
DPE 4010 Teaching Practicum I 1.0
DPE 1006 Pharmacy Teaching Experience VI 2.0
DPE 2030 Advanced Topics in Pharmacy III 2.0
Total Semester Hours 15.0
Doctor of Pharmacy Education Spring Year 4
DAE 4023 Journal Club VII 1.0
DPE 4003 Dissertation III: Defense 12.0
DPE 4020 Teaching Practicum II 1.0
DPE 1007 Pharmacy Teaching Experience VII 2.0
Total Semster Hours 16.0
Total Program Hours 161.75