Anatomical Donation Information
Anatomical Donation Information
Individuals interested in whole body anatomical donation to LECOM Erie or any other medical school in Pennsylvania should contact the Humanity Gifts Registry of Pennsylvania at (215) 922-4440 or www.hgrpa.org or Dr. Jon Kalmey at LECOM Erie – (814) 866-8147 or jkalmey@lecom.edu.
Individuals interested in whole body anatomical donation to medical schools in the state of Florida should contact The Anatomical Board of the State of Florida at:
University of Florida College of Medicine
1600 SW Archer Rd, Room CG-96
PO Box 100235
Gainesville, FL 32610-0235
Phone: 1-800-628-2594 or (352) 392-3588
Fax: (352) 392-3940
Website: anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu
Email: anatbd@dean.med.ufl.edu