Campus Safety Systems
Campus Safety Systems
Daily Crime Log
The LECOM Department of Police and Security maintains a Daily Crime Log of all criminal incidents that are reported on the campuses and satellite facilities, pursuant to federal and state statutes. The contents of the Daily Crime Log are open to public inspection. Any student or prospective student, faculty member, or staff member of LECOM wishing to examine the Daily Crime Log may do so. The Daily Crime Log is available for review in LECOM Department of Police and Security Offices in Erie, Bradenton, DeFuniak Springs, and Elmira. At LECOM at Seton Hill, the Daily Crime Log is available in the office of the Seton Hill University Police Department. Requests to view the document can be made to any police or security officer on duty in the office during hours when the building is open for business.
Personally identifiable information about victims of the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking shall not be available in any publicly available records, including the reporting and disclosure of crime statistics.
An exception to the release of information pertaining to a criminal offense may occur when there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual, or cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence. The information will be released to the public, if applicable, when damage is no longer likely to occur as the result of its release.
LECOM Campus Security Notification System
LECOM will inform the campus community concerning health, safety, and security matters through the issuance of Campus Safety Alerts (Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings).
Campus Safety Alerts are generally issued by the Director, Deputy Director, or Supervisor of LECOM Police and Security or their designee. Timely Warnings and/or Emergency Notifications may be issued at the direction of the President or Provost of LECOM. When the nature of the crime or emergency allows the time to do so, individuals authorized to issue such warnings and notifications may confer with the Provost and/or President prior to issuing a Timely Warning or Emergency Notification.
The LECOM Security Information Notification System may include (but is not limited to) the following media:
- Omnilert Campus Alert system (this is the primary means of communicating alerts)
- PA/Overhead system
- LECOM Campus e-mail system
- Social media postings
- LECOM Video bulletin board
- Information posted to the LECOM Portal and/or Security Department homepage
- Memoranda or fliers made available to students and/or employees
Omnilerts Campus Security Alerts
LECOM utilizes Omnilert, an emergency and alert notification system that enables the institution to send notifications via text message and email. The service is available to all current students and employees. LECOM can text and email subscribers with timely information about emergencies, class cancellations, or critical campus reminders. For employees, registering with the system is necessary to receive the notifications. All incoming students, however, are automatically signed up for the Omnilert System. If they do not desire to receive emergency and alert notifications, they must “opt-out” by requesting, in writing, to be removed from the system. Depending on personal cell phone plans, there may be a nominal fee from a carrier to receive text messages, but there is no charge from the school to use the service.
Students at LECOM at Seton Hill and LECOM at Elmira are encouraged to register for Seton Hill University’s Campus Alert service or Elmira College’s Campus Alert Service as well, so that they may be notified of emergencies, campus closures, or other critical situations on the Seton Hill University campus or Elmira College campus.
Student and Employee Responsibility for Safety and Security
LECOM is an exceptionally safe and secure educational institution. However, individual complacency and inattentiveness concerning personal security can have a negative impact on the entire community. To ensure optimum levels of security, students and employees must assume responsibility for their own safety, as well as the safety and security of all members of the LECOM community. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Report any safety, security concerns, or suspicious persons or situations to campus security and/or local police. “If you see something, say something.”
- Use your LECOM issued ID badge/keycard every time you enter or exit a building.
- Report strangers who do not have a LECOM issued ID badge and attempt to “tailgate” you into a building.
- Strictly obey traffic and parking regulations on campus. This could cause a serious delay in the response time for fire fighters or other emergency response personnel in the event of a fire or other emergency on campus.
- Keep personal items inside locked lockers.
- Never leave bags or other personal items in hallways or other common areas (they should be safely stored in cars or lockers).
- No costumes, dress, or masks including mascot uniforms, which alter, cloak, or conceal an individual’s identity are permitted on any LECOM property. Medical face masks worn during a health emergency or pandemic are an exception.
- Try to avoid walking alone at night.
- Never take personal safety for granted.
Campus Crime Prevention Programs
The following crime prevention programs are provided to the LECOM community:
- All newly hired employees must attend (in person or virtually) a New Hire Orientation session presented by the Director of Human Resources and Director of Security, or their designee(s). New Hire Orientation is presented monthly, and introduces LECOM policies and procedures, safety information, evacuation plans, crime prevention, crime reporting, and other related information.
- All incoming students attend several presentations (in person or virtually) during New Student Orientation introducing LECOM policies and procedures, safety information, evacuation plans, crime prevention, crime reporting, and an emergency preparedness professional development course.
- All employees and on-campus students are issued a LECOM identification badge/keycard and a parking permit.
- Crime awareness and other safety seminars are provided throughout the year to students and employees. These seminars may be presented by the LECOM Department of Police and Security, Human Resources, Assistant Dean of Plans, Operations, Training, and Safety and the Title IX Coordinator, the Director of Behavioral Health, the Office of Student Affairs, and/or various student organizations.
- In accordance with New York state law, all LECOM at Elmira students attend an “Enough is Enough” training seminar.