Traffic and Parking Policy
Traffic and Parking Policy
The vehicle speed limit for all roadways within the LECOM campus is 10 m.p.h. Moreover, under the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75, Pennsylvania Statutes § 102 the definition of a “Highway” includes a roadway open to the use of the public for vehicular travel on grounds of a college or university or public or private school. Therefore, traffic citations may be issued for any infraction of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code on the roadways of the LECOM campus.
Such infractions shall include, but not be limited to:
- Excessive speed
- Reckless driving
- Failure to stop at a stop sign
- Failure to use turn signals
- Driving outside established lanes
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Parking of Vehicles:
Parking on the LECOM Campus is free for students, faculty and staff subject to the following restrictions and regulations:
- All vehicles parked by students, faculty and staff must be registered with the LECOM Police and Security Department and must have a LECOM issued parking permit affixed to the inside upper left hand corner of the driver’s side windshield. If the window has tinting, you are asked to display the parking permit just below the window tinting. The permit should be visible at all times while on the campus.
- No vehicle may be left in the LECOM parking lot overnight.
- Student, faculty or staff parking in spaces designated for visitors is strictly prohibited.
- Parking in spaces designated for handicapped persons without a handicapped license plate or placard is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to fines and penalties established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Parking, stopping or standing in fire lanes is prohibited at all times.
- Parking in areas designated with “No Parking Signs” is prohibited.
- Parking in areas designated as “Tow-Away Zones” subjects the vehicle to be removed from the campus at the owner’s expense.
- Parking in assigned parking lots.