LECOM recognizes that a professional education may be a time of great stress for students. Therefore, we want to enable our students and employees to adapt successfully to stresses without engaging in potentially harmful coping mechanisms such as alcohol or drug abuse. A student or other employee who needs help for a drug or alcohol problem will be assisted promptly to help solve his or her problem in an effective, confidential manner.

Students or employees who need medical or counseling assistance for a drug or alcohol problem can obtain this assistance by following the procedures set forth in the LECOM Student or Employee Handbooks.

LECOM complies with provisions of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and commits to maintaining an environment free from illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol and legal drugs.

Its rules of conduct prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and the unlawful use and abuse of alcohol and legal drugs by students and employees on LECOM property including buildings, grounds, and vehicles. Additionally, engaging in such activities is prohibited at LECOM rental space, affiliated hospitals and facilities, and locations of official LECOM functions. Violations of this policy may result in the requirement to participate in a program of rehabilitation and monitoring, suspension, or dismissal of a student or termination of employment of an employee. Such violations may also have legal consequences.

The illegal use of controlled substances and abuse of alcohol or legal drugs can seriously insure the health and welfare of LECOM students and employees. Such use and abuse can adversely impair the performance of their responsibilities, endanger the safety and well-being of LECOM community members, jeopardize LECOM property and that of its community members or visitors, and adversely affect the LECOM educational mission. Consequently, to provide for the safety and welfare of the members of the LECOM community and its property, LECOM has set the following minimum standards of conduct for all members of the LECOM community and for those seeking admission to any LECOM educational program or employment at LECOM.

  • Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed on any LECOM campus. In addition, the illegal use or abuse of alcohol or legal drugs will not be tolerated.
  • While on LECOM premises, operating LECO-owned vehicles or equipment, or conducting LECOM-related activities off LECOM premises, no student or employee may use, posses, manufacture, produce, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • For employees, the legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted at LECOM only if it does not impair an employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner that does not endanger the employee or any other individual in the workplace.
  • For students, the legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted at LECOM only if it does not impair a student’s ability to participate in the learning process and adhere to LECOM’s rules and code of conduct.
  • No student or employee shall possess, consume, furnish, manufacture, sell, exchange, or otherwise distribute any alcoholic beverage except as permitted by law and LECOM.