Faculty Profile
Thomas D. Corso, Ph.D.

School of Pharmacy
Teaching Area
Loyola University Medical Center
Campus Location
1858 W. Grandview Blvd. Erie, PA 16509
Phone: (814) 866-8441
2012-current – Professor of Biochemistry and Neuroscience in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2005-2012 – Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Neuroscience in the Department of Pre-clinical Education, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2001-2011 – Visiting Professor of Biomedical Research in the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences at the State University of New York at Buffalo
1999-2005 – Assistant Professor and Program Director of Biochemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Canisius College, Buffalo, New York
1997-1999 – Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences, Lander University, Greenwood, South Carolina
1997-1998 – Applications Scientist in Microscopy for Edge Scientific Instrument Company
1997 Lecturer (Toxicology) in the Department of Chemistry at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
1995-1997 – U.S. Government Research Biologist in the Department of Geriatrics at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in St. Louis Missouri. Funded by a VA grant, P.I. – Michael Mattammal, Ph.D.
1993-1995 – Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Work involved the study of the histological neurotoxicology of excitotoxic drugs. – Mentor John Olney, M.D.
Research and Areas of Interest
My research involves the study of neurotoxicology related to Parkinson’s disease and Schizophrenia. The primary focus is on the role of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
Peer-reviewed publications and Recent Scientific Presentations
- Journal of Neurochemistry 97 (2006) 1243-1258. Fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling affects development and function of dopamine neurons – inhibition results in a schizophrenia-like syndrome in transgenic mice. Ilona Klejbor, Jason M. Myers, Kathy Hausknecht, Thomas D. Corso, Angelo S. Gambino, Janusz Morys, Pamela A. Maher, Robert Hard, Jerry Richards, Ewa K. Stachowiak and Michal K. Stachowiak.
- Folia Morphologica 64 (2005) 273–281. In vivo gene transfer to the brain cortex using a single injection of HSV-1 vector into the medial septum. Sawsan Tabbaa, Thomas D. Corso, Lawrence Jenkins, Robert K. Tran, David C. Bloom, Michał K. Stachowiak.
- Molecular Brain Research 139 (2005) 361–366. Transfection of tyrosine kinase deleted FGF receptor-1 into rat brain substantia nigra reduces the number of tyrosine hydroxylase expressing neurons and decreases concentration levels of striatal dopamine. Thomas D. Corso, German Torres, Christopher Goulah, Indrajit Royd, Angelo S. Gambino, John Nayd, Timothy Buckley, Ewa K. Stachowiaka, Earl J. Bergey, Haridas Pudavar, Purnendu Dutta, David C. Bloom, William J. Bowers f, Michal K. Stachowiak.
- Folia Morphologica 64 (2005). Assessment of viral and non-viral gene transfer into adult rat brains using HSV-1, calcium phosphate and PEI-based methods. Thomas D. Corso, German Torres, Christopher Goulah, Indrajit Roy, Angelo S. Gambino, John Nayda, Timothy Buckley, Ewa K. Stachowiak, Earl J. Bergey, Haridas Pudavar, Purnendu Dutta, David C. Bloom, William J. Bowers, Michal K. Stachowiak
- Neurobiology of Disease 5 (1998) 305-322. Disseminated corticolimbic neuronal degeneration induced in rat brain by MK-801: potential relevance to Alzheimer’s disease. Wozniak DF, Dikranian K, Ishimaru M, Nardi A, Corso TD, Tenkova T, Olney JW, Fix AS,
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 22 (1998) 217-224. Brain neuronal degeneration caused by episodic alcohol intoxication in rats: effects of nimodipine, 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione, and MK-801. Corso TD, Collins MA, and Neafsey EJ,
- Brain Research 752 (1997) 1-14. Multifocal brain damage induced by phencyclidine is augmented by pilocarpine. Corso TD, Sesma MA, Tenkova TI, Der TC, Wozniak JF, Farber NB, Olney JW,
- Brain Research 707 (1996) 165-179. MK-801 neurotoxicity in male mice: histologic effects and chronic impairment in spatial learning. Wozniak DF, Brosnan-Watters G, Nardi A, McEwen M, Corso TD, Olney JW and Fix AS,
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 20 (1996) 284-292. Neuronal degeneration in rat cerebral cortical and olfactory regions during subchronic “binge” intoxication with ethanol: Possible explanation for olfactory deficits in alcoholics. Collins MA, Corso TD, and Neafsey EJ,
- Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 54 (1995) 255-267. Excitotoxic cytopathology, progression, and reversibility of thiamine deficiency-induced diencephalic lesions. Zhang SX, Weilersbacher GS, Henderson SW, Corso T, Olney JW, Langlais PJ.
Presentations from Scientific Meetings that Involved Students
Student’s Names are underlined - Corso TD, Abilmona FA, Celeste LR, Buckley TA, Gambino AS, Using the STELLA computer program to predict the concentrations of endogenous neurotoxins based on multi-enzyme kinetics: An undergraduate laboratory in Neurochemistry, Society for Neuroscience 34th meeting (2004), Paper # 28.19 (San Diego)
- Corso TD; Klejbor I, Freindorf R, Richards J, Gambino AS, Corso TD, Morys J, Maher P, Stachowiak MK, Reduced FGF signaling in dopamine neurons results in early behavioral hyperactivity in transgenic mice, Society for Neuroscience 34th meeting (2004), Paper # 725.11 (San Diego)
- Gambino AS, Dincheva I, Garcia J, Stachowiak MK, Corso TD, An FGFR1 mutation in mice causes behavioral hyperactivity and elevated neurotransmitter and metabolite concentrations in brain regions.American Chemical Society Abstracts, 227th meeting (2004) Paper #719667 (Anaheim)
- Jenkins LC, Abilmona F, Colvin MT, Corso TD, Synthesis of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL): A potential endogenous neurotoxin that may play a role in the development of Parkinson’s disease American Chemical Society Abstracts, 227th meeting (2004) Paper #727250 (Anaheim)
- Colvin MT, Corso TD, Szczepankiewicz SH, Manganese catalyzed oxidation of dopamine American Chemical Society Abstracts, 227th meeting (2004) Paper #729130 (Anaheim)
- Abilmona F, Celeste L, Buckley T, Gambino AS, Grill T, Bland M, and Corso TD, Using multi-enzyme kinetics to predict the concentrations of endogenous toxins, American Chemical Society Abstracts, 227th meeting (2004) Paper #728221 (Anaheim)
- Corso T, Roy I, Bland M, Buckley T, Gambino A, Jenkins L, Cranston B, Myers J, Stachowiak E, Bergey E, Prasad P, Bloom D, Bowers W, Stachowiak M, In vivo gene transfection into rat brain cells: A comparison between viral, polyethyleneimine, and calcium phosphate nanoparticle methods, American Chemical Society Abstracts, 225th meeting (2003) Paper #603265 (New Orleans)
- Gambino A, Jenkins L, Myers J, Stachowiak M, Corso T, HPLC analysis of catecholamines and indolamines in brains of transgenic mice with a deletion mutation of the tyrosine kinase domain of the FGFR1 growth factor receptor, American Chemical Society Abstracts, 225th Meeting (2003) Paper #617458 (New Orleans)
- Jenkins L, Gambino A, Corso T, Synthesis and toxicity of the dopamine metabolite DOPAL (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde) and its relation to the progression of Parkinson’s disease, American Chemical Society Abstracts, 225th meeting (2003) Paper #617366 (New Orleans)
- Myers J, Corso TD, Gambino AS, Morys J, Klejbor I, Stachowiak EK, Stachowiak MK, Reduced FGF signaling may be an underlying cause of Parkinson’s Disease: Studies in a new transgenic mouse model.Society for Neuroscience Abst. 29 (2003 (New Orleans)
- Corso TD*, Stachowiak EW, Torres G, Horowitz JM, Starosta KR, Rutkowski AS, Stachowski B, Stachowiak, Reduced FGF signaling may be an underlying cause of Parkinson’s Disease. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 27 (2001) (San Diego)
- Corso TD, Keller, GG, Are the aldehyde products of monoamine oxidase significantly toxic? Dopal as a possible neurotoxin contributing to Parkinson’s Disease. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 26 (2000) 92.9 (New Orleans)
Other Select Presentations
- Corso TD, Real time 3-dimensional optical microscopy dramatically improves the interpretation and accuracy of silver and immuno-stained brain slices. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 24 (1998) 423.15 (Los Angeles)
- Wozniak, DF, Nardi A., Corso TD, Olney JW, Scopolamine and pentobarbital attenuate MK-801-induced neuronal necrosis, Society for Neuroscience Abst. 21 (1995) 37.8, (Washington, D.C.)
- Corso TD, Der, T.C., Tenkova, T.I., Labruyere, J., Wozniak, D.F., Olney, J.W., Disseminated neuronal necrosis induced by phencyclidine (PCP) in rat brain: Effect of co-treatment with pilocarpine, Society for Neuroscience Abst. 21 (1995) 145.12, (Washington, D.C.)
- Olney JW, Farber NB, Corso T, Labruyere J, Zhang SX, Langlais PJ, Hyperactivation of Glutamate Pathways induces thalamic cytopathology resembling Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 20 (1994) 1677., (Miami, Fl.).
- Langlais PJ, Zhang SX, Weilersbacher GS, Corso T, Olney JW, Excitotoxic-type necrosis in thalamus precedes motor seizures in a rat model of wernicke’s encephalopathy. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 20 (1994) 1677., (Miami, Fl.)
- Corso TD, Wozniak DF, Sesma MA, Olney JW, Neuron necrotizing properties of phencyclidine. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 20 (1994) 1531., (Miami, Fl.)
- Corso TD, Neafsey, E.J. and Collins, M.A., Selective degeneration of the dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex, olfactory nerve and olfactory related cortical areas during development of ethanol dependence: Effects of co-administration of MK-801, DNQX, or Nimodipine. Society for Neuroscience Abst. 18 (1992) 540., (Anaheim, Ca.)
- Corso TD, Neafsey EJ, Collins MA, Selective degeneration of the olfactory nerve and olfactory-related cortical areas during the development of ethanol dependence. Society for Neuroscience Abst., 17 (1991) 1458., (New Orleans, La.)
- Corso TD, Neafsey EJ, Collins MA, Cortical damage during short-term alcohol intoxication in rats: an improved model. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 14 (1990) 278., (Toronto).
- Olsen, KW, Yang T, Corso TD, Swiersz L, Stability of abnormal human hemoglobin: variation in stability and effects of cross-linking, Biophysical Journal 51 (1987) 304a., (San Francisco, Ca.)
- Olsen, KW, Yang T, Swiersz L, Podlasek CA, Corso TD, Stabilization of hemoglobin by crosslinking, 21st Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, June (1987)
- Corso TD, Podlasek CA, Olsen KW, Thermal denaturation of hemoglobin A cross-linked with bifunctional imidoesters, 21st Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, June (1987).
- Corso, TD, Paulius KE, Olsen KW, Prediction of dinucleotide binding domains from amino acid Sequences, Biochemistry 24 (1985) 3360., (Chicago, Il.)
Current Papers in Preparation
- Corso TD and Schaber P, Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Irradiated Beef and Analysis of the Lipid Profiles by GC-MS; What is in this new product now sold at grocery stores? (Developlent of a new teaching lab)
- Corso TD, Abilmona FA, Celeste LR, Buckley TA, Gambino AS, Using the STELLA computer program to predict the concentrations of endogenous neurotoxins based on multi-enzyme kinetics: An undergraduate laboratory in Neurochemistry.(Development of a new teaching lab)