Photo of a doctor in Erie PA by LECOM

Faculty Profile

Nader Abdulhameed, BDS, MS, PhD

Nader Abdulhameed From LECOM in Erie PA

School of Dental Medicine

  • Teaching Area

    Dental Materials, Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry

  • Education

    University of Florida

  • Residency

    AEGD, Conservative Dentistry

  • Campus Location

    4800 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Bradenton, Florida 34211
    Phone: (941) 405-1508


Dr. Nader graduated from the College of Dentistry in Iraq in 2008. Following dental school, he completed a one-year GPR program in Baghdad as well as a one-year orthodontics certification. Dr. Nader opened his private clinic from 2009-2014. During this time, he did three years of residency and a master’s degree in conservative dentistry (prosthodontics, operative, and endodontics). Dr. Nader joined the University of Florida, College of Dentistry, in 2014 to finish the thesis part of his master’s degree. In 2015, he joined the University of Florida faculty as a Clinical Assistant Professor, teaching prosthodontics and operative dentistry courses. At the same time, he started his Ph.D. in materials science at the University of Florida. He published and presented many articles, was involved in an NIH grant, seed grant, and industry grant, and registered three patents in the field of dentistry. Dr. Nader published and presented many papers in esthetic, dental materials, wear, adhesive, mechanical properties of the composite, and clinical studies. He has also reviewed many journals in the field of his expertise. Dr. Nader got another master’s in material sciences and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida in 2019.

Dr. Nader joined LECOM SDM in June 2018 as an assistant professor in restorative dentistry, teaching preclinical and clinical courses started as course director for a removable partial denture, complete denture, and clinical complete denture course. Dr. Nader is lecturing in dental biomaterials for operative, fixed prosthodontics and periodontics courses. Dr. Nader was appointed as the LECOM School of Dental Medicine Director of Research.